Our first game was March 21st. We played against Greenbank and won by just a few points, it was a close call, but we managed to take the win. Our second game was March 29th. We played against Cowen Royals, and we also won that game. It was also a close call, the score was 3-2, but we took the win for the second time. Our next game occurs today May 1st. We think we will also win this game because we won our last two games and our last season, we almost won against them we are playing Richwood and this year we got more practice so we think we will win this time. We have a game on May 6th, and we think we will win that game because we won against them last time, we are playing Greenbank again. We have a game on May 10th against Richwood we think we are going to do very well.
We have a game on May 13th against Cowen Senior we are very nervous about this game because they are seniors and we have never played them before. We have a game on May 20th against Cowen Seniors again. After that on May 21st we have a game against Webster, and we are not that worried because we have played them before. We also have a game on May 26th at Cowen royals, and we are not worried because we won against them on April 29th. Our next game after that is a game on June 2nd against Webster but there is a pending change. The next game after that is on June 3rd and it is against Greenbank again.